Upcoming advancements in solar PV technology

Solar energy is the unconventional source of energy to which we are learning to use. Solar energy has so much potential that it can provide electrical energy to whole world even without asking for money, raise of pollution or economic imbalance. At present  Solar can give 10,000 times of energy required by the whole world.

To generate electricity through PV cells there are some constraints on our growing path like need of huge amount of area, non uniform production of power, less efficiency of PV modules. To improve the current working scenario of the pv cells, following may be the upcoming advancements:

1) Innovation of pv modules which can absorb whole spectrum of visible light 

In current era, we have pv modules which absorbs only high frequency energy from light rays i.e. they absorb only violet, blue light rays but not the lower frequency waves like red, orange. the future demand is to develop pv modules absorbing whole spectrum

2) PV modules having low reflectivity and good absorption coefficient for incident light 

High reflection of solar radiation is one of the main cause of low efficiency of PV modules. A material with low reflectivity with same electrical property will only be the option.

3) Production of battery of low cost

battery bank  cost  40 to 50 percent of the total capital cost for the solar  pv power plant. If we become successful in producing the cheap batteries then nothing will be cheaper than solar energy.

4) Production of PV modules of high density of junctions

We all know that solar panel have pn junction diodes . If we succeed in increasing density of junctions then the same sized pv module will generate higher amount of electricity. It will also help in reducing area required for solar power plant,


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